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New Energy Solutions And Implications For
The National Security And The Environment

A Brief Overview for the US Senate

Steven M. Greer, M.D.

The ultimate national security issue is intimately linked to the pressing environmental crisis facing the world today: The question of whether humanity can continue as a technologically advanced civilization.

Fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine are non-sustainable both environmentally and economically – and a replacement for both already exists.  The question is not whether we will transition to a new post-fossil fuel economy, but when and how. The environmental, economic, geopolitical, national security and military issues related to this matter are profound and inextricably linked to one another.

The disclosure of such new energy technologies will have far-reaching implications for every aspect of human society and the time has come to prepare for such an event. For if such technologies were announced today, it would take at least 10-20 years for their widespread application to be effected.  This is approximately how much time we have before global economic chaos begins due to demand far exceeding the supply of oil and environmental decay becomes exponential and catastrophic.

We have found that the technologies to replace fossil fuel usage already exist and need to be exploited and applied immediately to avert a serious global economic, geopolitical and environmental crisis in the not-so-distant future.

In summary, these technologies fall into the following broad categories:

A number of practical applications using such technologies have been developed over the past several decades, but such breakthroughs have been either ignored due to their unconventional nature – or have been classified and suppressed due to national security, military interests and ‘special’ interests.

Let us be clear: the question is not whether such systems exist and can be viable replacements for fossil fuels. The question is whether we have the courage to allow such a transformation in world society to occur.

Such technologies – especially those which bypass the need to use an external fuel source such as oil or coal – would have obvious and beneficial effects for humanity. Since these technologies do not require an expensive source of fuel but instead use existing quantum space energy, a revolution in the world’s economic and social order would result. These implications include:

Lest all of this sound like a pipe-dream, keep in mind that such technological advances are not only possible, but they already exist. What is lacking is the collective will, creativity and courage to see that they are applied wisely. And therein lies the problem.

As an emergency and trauma doctor, I know that everything can be used for good or for ill. A knife can butter your bread – or cut your throat. Every technology can have beneficial as well as harmful applications.

The latter partially explains the serious national security and military concerns with such technologies. For many decades, these advances in energy and propulsion technologies have been acquired, suppressed and classified by certain interests who have viewed them as a threat to our security from both an economic and military perspective.  In the short term, these concerns have been well-founded: Why rock the global economic boat by allowing technologies out which would, effectively, terminate the multi-trillion dollar oil, gas, coal, internal combustion engine and related transportation sectors of the economy? And which could also unleash such technologies on an unstable and dangerous world where the weapons applications for such technological breakthroughs would be a certainty? In the light of this, the status quo looks good.

But only for the short term.  In fact, such national security and military policies – fed by huge special interests in obvious industries and nations – have exacerbated global geopolitical tensions by impoverishing much of the world, worsening the zero-sum-game mind set of the rich vs. poor nations and brought us to a world energy emergency and a pending environmental crisis. And now we have very little time to fix the situation. Such thinking must be relegated to the past.

For what can be a greater threat to the national security than the specter of a collapse of our entire civilization from a lack of energy and global chaos as every nation fights for its share of a limited resource? Due to the long lead time needed to transform the current industrial infrastructure away from fossil fuels, we are facing a national security emergency which almost nobody is talking about. This is dangerous.

It has also created a serious constitutional crisis in the US and other countries where non-representative entities and super-secret projects within compartmented military and corporate areas have begun to set national and international policy on this and related matters – all outside the arena of public debate, and mostly without informed consent from Congress or the President.

Indeed this crisis is undermining democracy in the US and elsewhere. I have had the unenviable task of personally briefing senior political, military, and intelligence officials in the US and Europe on this and related matters.  These officials have been denied access to information compartmented within certain projects, which are, frankly, unacknowledged areas (so-called ‘black’ projects). Such officials include members of the House and Senate, President Clinton’s first Director of Central Intelligence, the head of the DIA, senior Joint Staff officials and others.   Usually, the officials have little to no information on such projects and technologies – and are told either nothing or that they do not have a ‘need to know’ if they specifically inquire.

This presents then another problem: these technologies will not be suppressed forever. For example, our group is planning a near term disclosure of such technologies and we will not be silenced. At the time of such a disclosure, will the US government be prepared? It would behoove the US government and others to be informed and have a plan for transitioning our society from fossil fuels to these new energy and propulsion systems.

Indeed, the great danger is ignorance by our leaders of these scientific breakthroughs – and ignorance of how to manage their disclosure.  The advanced countries of the world must be prepared to put systems in place to assure the exclusive peaceful use of such energy and propulsion advances. Economic and industrial interests should be prepared so that those aspects of our economy which will be adversely affected (commodities, oil, gas, coal, public utilities, engine manufacturing, etc) can be cushioned from sudden reversals and be economically ‘hedged’ by investing in and supporting the new energy infrastructure.

A creative view of the future – not fear and suppression of such technologies – is required. And it is needed immediately. If we wait 10-20 more years, it will be too late to make the needed changes before world oil shortages, exorbitant costs and geopolitical competition for resources causes a melt-down in the world’s economy and political structures.

All systems tend towards homeostasis. The status quo is comfortable and secure. Change is frightening. But in this case, the most dangerous course for the national security is inaction. We must be prepared for the coming convulsions related to energy shortages, spiraling costs and economic disruption. The best preparation would be a replacement for oil and related fossil fuels. And we have it. But disclosing these new energy systems carries its own set of benefits, risks and challenges. The US government and the Congress must be prepared to wisely manage this great challenge.

Recommendations for Congress:

I personally stand ready to assist the Congress in any way possible to facilitate our use of these new energy sources. Having dealt with this and related sensitive matters for over 10 years, I can recommend a number of individuals who can be subpoenaed to provide testimony on such technologies, as well as people who have information on unacknowledged special access projects within covert government operations which are already dealing with these issues.

If we face these challenges with courage and with wisdom together, we can secure for our children a new and sustainable world, free of poverty and environmental destruction. We will be up to this challenge, because we must be.